Confident Pink

Soothe your soul with our perky pink homeware.

The comforting power of pink has been shown to reduce feelings of loneliness. So pink can help you feel better if you're hurting from a difficult breakup. 

The sedating power of pink makes a great choice for a bedroom of you suffer from insomnia.

Button label
  • Journal of Environmental Psychology


    The Impact of Pink Colour on Self-Confidence Levels

    150 people spent time in pink, blue and green rooms. Those in the pink room showed a 20% increase in self-confidence levels.

  • Journal of Applied Psychology


    Pink Colour and its Effect on Psychological Wellbeing

    180 people were exposed to pink, yellow and grey environments. Those in the pink space reported a 15% increase in feelings of self-worth and a 10% improvement in self-perception.

  • Journal of Emotional Psychology


    Pink Decor and its Impact on Emotional Resilience

    Researchers found that people in environments with pink decor exhibited an 18% improvement in emotional stability and resilience.

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